Allon Rock
Gary . Gary .

Allon Rock

Allon Rock head of Pickleball South Africa shares a tested Pickleball Annual coaching program for schools: 40 weeks: 1 hour lesson

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Sharon Hoy
Gary . Gary .

Sharon Hoy

Primary & Intermediate Unit Plan

FOR AGES 5 - 12

This plan was created as a resource for teachers participating in school-wide pickleball programs in Vancouver, British Columbia, an initiative of the Vancouver Pickleball Association called EVES (East Vancouver Elementary Schools). My goals are to make it easy for teachers to teach and easy for students to learn. Learning is scaffolded; students move on to skills and game progressions that are developmentally appropriate and fun. Instructions are kept short and simple with language that students can relate to.

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Gary Schwartz
Gary . Gary .

Gary Schwartz

Gary Schwartz chair of the PFA shares a tested Pickleball Annual coaching program for schools: 40 weeks: 1 hour lesson

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